Hume cites EU's role in preserving peace

Conflict resolution: The European Union is the best example of conflict prevention and conflict resolution in international …

Conflict resolution: The European Union is the best example of conflict prevention and conflict resolution in international history, former SDLP leader Mr John Hume writes in a special contribution to the report.

Mr Hume says the EU and Northern Ireland are particularly strong examples of how the existence of more than one culture can prove to be positive in the building and development of society through a process of conflict resolution. He points to the experience of the North in the four decades since the civil rights movement was started.

"Throughout these years I have maintained that, when you have a divided people, violence has absolutely no role to play in healing the division or in solving the problems - it only deepens the division."

"The problems can be resolved only through peace, stability, agreement, consensus and partnership. There cannot be victory for one side or the other."


In another contribution, former South African president Nelson Mandela says his country's transformation since the apartheid era has been the product of human decision, rather than the miracle described by many international commentators.

"We are fully aware that our freedom and our rights will only gain their full meaning as we succeed together in overcoming the divisions and inequalities of our past and in improving the lives of all, especially the poor. Today, we are starting to reap some of the harvest we sowed at the end of a South African famine."

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.