Hospital developers' cancer treatment pledge

The developers of Galway's new private hospital have promised to provide radiotherapy for cancer patients in the west within …

The developers of Galway's new private hospital have promised to provide radiotherapy for cancer patients in the west within 18 months.

The €88 million hospital will have a range of other services and will help to reduce waiting lists in public hospitals if it reaches agreement with the Western Health Board, the principal developer, Mr James Sheehan, said. Some 20 per cent of its beds will be public, but there is no written agreement yet with the health board on this.

An Bord Pleanála gave approval last week for the development, at Doughiska on the east side of the city, when it turned down objections by two private individuals. Planning permission had initially been vetoed by Galway City Council on the ground that the 12-acre site was on land zoned for agricultural use.

The city councillors subsequently reversed their decision when a fresh proposal submitted by Blackrock Medical Partners included a commitment to provide public beds. An Bord Pleanála ruled the proposed development does not contravene proper planning and development of the area, but specified a number of conditions. These include obtaining written agreement from the planning authority in relation to integrating bus and cycle routes and providing bus services to the development.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times