Holy Cross parent on hunger strike

A parent of one of the children attending Holy Cross school has completed almost a week on hunger strike to highlight the damage…

A parent of one of the children attending Holy Cross school has completed almost a week on hunger strike to highlight the damage the protest is causing.

The 31-year-old father of two began his protest at midnight on Wednesday.

He has not taken food although he is drinking water, said the chairman of the school's board of governors, Father Aidan Troy who has urged the man to end his fast.

"The man decided to embark on the hunger strike out of frustration and desperation and in the hope that it might somehow help bring an end to the dispute," said Father Troy.


Meanwhile, the Belfast Education and Library Board is today laying on a number of buses to bring those children and parents who want to avail of the service to the school, Father Troy confirmed last night.

He noted some children and parents would also choose to walk to school.

Regarding the hunger-striker, Father Troy said he seemed determined to proceed with his protest despite the concerns of his wife.

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty is the former Northern editor of The Irish Times