Healthcare workers: Do you have enough PPE?

Have you an adequate supply of protective equipment in your workplace?

Do you have any concerns about access to PPE? Photograph: iStock

As another consignment of personal protective equipment (PPE) arrives in Ireland from China, The Irish Times would like to hear from healthcare workers about access to the equipment.

Have you an adequate supply of PPE in your workplace, whether it be a hospital, GP surgery, clinic, nursing home, or other setting where PPE is required? If you are caring for older or vulnerable people in their home, have you been given enough? Do you have any concerns about access to PPE?

You can use this form to submit your experiences. You can attach a photograph of yourself (or from your workplace) if you wish.

We would prefer to use your name, but if you would prefer to remain anonymous, please indicate this with your submission.


A selection of responses may be published in The Irish Times, or a journalist may contact you for further information.

Thank you.

(If you are reading this in The Irish Times app, click here to access the form.)