Covid-19: Another 3,300 PCR-confirmed cases are reported

A further 4,771 positive antigen tests are registered as number in ICU stands at 48

Another 3,300 PCR-confirmed cases of Covid-19 have been reported in the State. File photograph: Tuwaedaniya Meringing/AFP via Getty Images

Another 3,300 PCR-confirmed cases of Covid-19 have been reported in the State, while a further 4,771 people have registered a positive antigen test through the HSE portal.

These latest daily case figures were confirmed in a statement released by the National Public Health Emergency Team on Tuesday afternoon.

As of 8am on Tuesday, 616 Covid-19 patients were hospitalised, of whom 48 were in ICU. The number of Covid patients in ICU had increased by one on Monday’s figure.

The latest Covid figures come a day after the vast majority of the remaining pandemic restrictions in the State were lifted.


From Monday, there was no longer a legal requirement for mask-wearing in environments such as retail, personal services and schools.

Specific protective measures in place in schools and early-learning and school-aged childcare facilities were also lifted, such as the requirement for pods, social distancing and staggered breaks.

The Cabinet Covid-19 subcommittee met on Monday afternoon and heard an upbeat assessment from public health officials about the current trajectory of the virus. Ministers also discussed the plan for tackling Covid-19 up until this winter and beyond.

Meanwhile in Northern Ireland, five more people who had previously recently tested positive for Covid-19 have died, the North's Department of Health said on Tuesday. Another 2,567 confirmed cases of the virus have also been notified in the North in its latest 24-hour reporting period.

On Tuesday morning there were 473 Covid-19 patients in the North’s hospitals, five of whom were in intensive care. Additional reporting: PA