Health issue is no reason to vote No, says Quinn

ALLIANCE FOR EUROPE: IRISH ALLIANCE for Europe chairman Ruairí Quinn has urged lobby groups targeting the Lisbon Treaty campaign…

ALLIANCE FOR EUROPE:IRISH ALLIANCE for Europe chairman Ruairí Quinn has urged lobby groups targeting the Lisbon Treaty campaign for other causes to wait until next year's local and European elections to "express their ire".

The former Labour Party leader, who launched the alliance's west of Ireland campaign in Galway yesterday, said he could understand the response of people who were concerned about problems in the health service.

However, the Lisbon Treaty had "nothing to do" with deterioration of medical facilities in Roscommon or anywhere across the western seaboard, Mr Quinn said.

He was commenting on this week's call by the Roscommon Hospital Action Committee for health lobby groups concerned about the downgrading of 23 hospitals to unite in an anti-Lisbon Treaty campaign.


A "weakened Europe" would "not solve their problem, and would create a whole new set of problems", Mr Quinn said.

Commenting on the position of the Irish Farmers' Association, Mr Quinn said he hoped the farming community would "draw some comfort" from its strong competitive advantage and the recent rise in milk and beef prices.

The agricultural sector had "most to celebrate" from membership of the EU, and he hoped it would appreciate the "tactical advantage" of supporting EU reform in the treaty.

Mr Quinn urged everyone to exercise their democratic right and to use their vote.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times