Hackers link UTV site to Sands commemoration

UTV are investigating how a computer hacker managed to link the front page of their web site to a commemoration site for hunger…

UTV are investigating how a computer hacker managed to link the front page of their web site to a commemoration site for hunger-striker Bobby Sands last weekend.

According to UTV, the hacker changed a link early Saturday morning, May 5th. The problem was rectified within hours of being spotted.

We are still carrying out a thorough investigation to ascertain how this could have happened
UTV statement

In a statement UTV said: "We are still carrying out a thorough investigation to ascertain how this could have happened. But there was absolutely no way that any confidential information could have been assessed as this information is held on a different system."

UTV said the incident had been reported to the RUC and added no one had admitted responsibility.


"Unfortunately security breeches like this affect high profile sites the world over but we have security systems in place to alert us if this happens", UTV said.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times