Group highlights problem of poor literacy skills

One-fifth of the adult population is missing out on vital healthcare because of literacy difficulties, according to report published…

One-fifth of the adult population is missing out on vital healthcare because of literacy difficulties, according to report published today.

The Health and Literacy Research report was published this morning by the National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) which also launched National Literacy Awareness Week.

"Fear is a big barrier to communication," the report says, "true patient education is difficult to achieve among people with low literacy skills when there is such a reliance on the written word.

"Health practitioners need to understand that one leaflet cannot accommodate the whole patient population." This research illustrates that health literacy means more than just reading information.


"It involves taking part in decision making and understanding options. Patients need time to review material," the report adds. NALA says literacy difficulties affect an estimated 500,000 Irish adults.

Those with difficulties have problems filling in medical forms, reading labels on medicine bottles, following signage in health centres and hospitals and reading health-related promotional material, NALA says.

National Literacy Awareness Week was launched this morning with the unveiling of a banner by Dublin's Lord Mayor and Ms Síle De Valera TD, Minister of State at the Deptartment of Education and Science.

On Friday NALA is hosting a half-day conference on the issue of literacy problems.

The event is aimed at senior health practitioners, Health Promotion Managers & Co-ordinators, healthcare companies, academics, senior health administrators and management of health-related NGOs.

Speakers include Dr Rima Rudd, Director, Harvard School of Public Health, Mr Padraig O'Morain of The Irish Timesand Mr Brian Lenihan TD, Minister of State at the Department of Health and Children. Full details of the event are available on NALA's website:

Patrick  Logue

Patrick Logue

Patrick Logue is Digital Editor of The Irish Times