Greens to hold convention in private

THIS WEEKEND’S special convention of the Green Party to discuss the Lisbon Treaty referendum and the programme for government…

THIS WEEKEND’S special convention of the Green Party to discuss the Lisbon Treaty referendum and the programme for government will be held in private without access to non-members or the news media.

A previous convention prior to the first referendum was also held in private at the same location, the Hilton Hotel on Dublin’s Charlemont Place, in January 2008.

On that occasion, members voted by 63 per cent to 37 per cent to support the treaty, but this was just short of the two-thirds majority required to adopt that position as party policy.

In a letter to members, party leader and Minister for the Environment John Gormley said: “This meeting has been called specifically to allow us all discuss the future direction of the Green Party following difficult and very disappointing local and European elections.


“This meeting will also consider the party’s stance on the EU Lisbon Treaty referendum.” He said the Green Party in government had been involved in “intense discussions” on this issue since Lisbon was rejected by Irish voters in June 2008. In his Minister’s role, Mr Gormley has made the order designating Friday, October 2nd as polling day for the second Lisbon Treaty referendum.

Meanwhile, a former Independent TD in South Tipperary has announced he will be campaigning for a No vote in the referendum. Séamus Healy, who narrowly lost his Dáil seat at the last general election, said he does “not trust the guarantees negotiated by the Government” and will co-ordinate his campaign with other opponents of the treaty including Joe Higgins, the Socialist Party’s new MEP, and Patricia McKenna of the People’s Movement.

Deaglán  De Bréadún

Deaglán De Bréadún

Deaglán De Bréadún, a former Irish Times journalist, is a contributor to the newspaper