Greens take third seat in best election result

The Green Party has gained a record three seats as its candidates make

The Green Party has gained a record three seats as its candidates make

substantial electoral gains across the State.

The Party could take another two if transfers go their way.

Mr John Gormley has just been re-elected in Dublin South East joining his old rival Progressive Democrat, Mr Michael McDowell.


Earlier in Dublin Mid West, Mr Paul Nicholas Gogarty took take the final seat.

In the early hours of this morning, party leader Mr Trevor Sargent was elected in Dublin North after topping the poll with 16.6 per cent.

Meanwhile Mr Ciaran Cuffe in Dun Laoighaire took 5,002 first preference votes and is favourite to take the fifth seat.

Mr Eamon Ryan is in a fight for the last seat in Dublin South with Fine Gael's Ms Olivia Mitchell.

Mr Dan Boyle in Cork South Central has polled well but looks unlikely to take the last seat.

The Party traditionally picks up a significant amount of transfers so candidates in the running after the first count stand a strong chance of the taking a seat.

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy is Economics Correspondent of The Irish Times