Government accused of half-truths on Nice by MEP

A Danish MEP has accused the Government of providing "directly misleading and half true" information about the Nice Treaty.

A Danish MEP has accused the Government of providing "directly misleading and half true" information about the Nice Treaty.

"The Irish voters have no chance to know what they are voting on this Saturday," Mr Jens-Peter Bonde said today. He said he "is stunned by the lack of debate on the actual issues of the Nice Treaty - what is discussed is not in the Treaty."

"The topics being discussed before the Irish referendum, mainly jobs and enlargement, are not a part of the Treaty they are voting about."

"The content in the Treaty they are voting about is only seldom discussed", he added.


Mr Jens-Peter Bonde MEP, is president of the group of Democracies and Diversities in Europe in the European Parliament.

Tonight he will be speaking about the Nice Treaty at a meeting in Trinity College Dublin. He will be joined at the debate by former taoiseach Dr Gareth Fitzgerald, who is advocating a Yes vote in the Nice Treaty referendum.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times