Gardai to start mandatory breathtesting on Friday

Gardai will start mandatory breathtesting motorists from midnight tomorrow after the commencement order giving effect to the provisions of the Road Traffic Act 2006 was signed today.

Use of a mobile phone while driving is also to be banned and gardai will start prosecuting drivers for this offence from the 21 stof July.

The Minister for Transport Martin Cullen said these measures would make a significant contribution to combating "irresponsible and reckless driver behaviour".

Garda Commissioner Noel Conroy today said police checkpoints will be set upoutside pubs as well as on the country's roads.


Under the legislation, the Department of Justice is now empowered to tender for as private company to introduce up to 600 speed cameras to be used under Garda direction.

The Bill also expends extra powers to allow gardai impound vehicles registered outside the State which are not insured.

Mr Cullen said he was confident that "the gardai will enforce the new laws at once and I am hopeful that these deterrents" will improve driver behaviour and save lives.

The Minister added that motorists detecting drinking and driving face between three months and four years off the road. Driver who refuse to give a breath sample face losing their licence for two years.

Noel Brett, chief executive designate of the Road Safety Authority, said the legislation deals with the "two of the major contributory factors in deaths and serious injuries on Irish roads".

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times