Gardai identify woman found murdered in Dublin

A woman found murdered in Dublin city centre on Tuesday was this evening identified by the Garda

A woman found murdered in Dublin city centre on Tuesday was this evening identified by the Garda. A 55-year-old man is being questioned in connection with the discovery after he was arrested today.

Gardaí will not publicly identify the woman until relatives have been informed but it is understood she is a mother-of-two who owns a shop in the area near where she was found.

Her naked body was tied in a blanket and dumped on the corner of Mercer Street and Aungier Place at around 4.15am on Tuesday.

The man was arrested at 2.20pm today and was taken to Harcourt Terrace Garda Station. Gardaí have not said where the man was arrested.


Postmortem results indicated that the woman died of head injuries. Gardaí are investigating the possibility that the dead woman was brought to Mercer Street - possibly dumped from a passing vehicle - after the murder took place elsewhere.

Detectives believe the busy location where the woman's body was found is an unusual area for her killer, or killers, to dispose of a body.

It is understood that a potential murder scene in a flat in the area has been identified and is being investigated by forensic experts.

Patrick  Logue

Patrick Logue

Patrick Logue is Digital Editor of The Irish Times