Galway city to get €1m to fund quality bus corridors

The Minister for Transport, Mr Brennan, yesterday promised a "more aggressive approach" to extending quality bus corridors (QBCs…

The Minister for Transport, Mr Brennan, yesterday promised a "more aggressive approach" to extending quality bus corridors (QBCs) throughout the State, following his sanction of €1 million for such a scheme in Galway city.

The funding will provide the first QBCs outside Dublin when two lanes will be designated by Galway City Council next year. The Minister aims to double to 18 the number of QBCs in Dublin and to develop new corridors in the State's other main urban areas.

The two priority bus lanes in Galway will run west from Eyre Square to Knocknacarra and east from the city centre to Merlin Park. Six other routes have been identified, but many of them join up with the two prioritised routes.

The Minister said he approved Galway City Council's application for grants of €350,000 in 2003 and €577,000 in 2004 on the understanding that the projects would meet the strict criteria laid down. He was confident that both QBCs would be completed in 2004.


"I believe we must do more to tackle the difficult operating environment for buses," Mr Brennan said. "I want to see a more aggressive approach to the expansion of QBCs. The success story of QBCs in Dublin has attracted international recognition, particularly the success of the Stillorgan bus corridor."

He also confirmed that passengers commuting by rail on the Galway-Dublin line will have their journey times reduced by 15 minutes with the completion and commissioning of the Mini-CTC re-signalling system at a cost of €5.18 million.

A reduction of a further 10 minutes will be achieved when all infrastructural works are completed.

Also in Galway yesterday, the Minister opened the €1.5 million Millennium Children's Park at University Road. The park caters for both young children and teenagers and has the first "official" skateboarding area provided by Galway City Council.

Mr Brennan's final engagement of the day was the launch of the South-East Galway Rural Transport Initiative in Portumna, which aims to provide accessible and affordable local transport.

Funding of €95,000 under the Rural Transport Initiative supports two peak-time weekday services from Portumna to Loughrea and Ballinasloe.

Some €3 million was spent by his Department on the initiative last year and a similar amount will be spent this year, the Minister said.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times