Former Fine Gael strategist refuses to identify clients in current PR role

THE FORMER chief strategist for Fine Gael has begun working for a public relations and lobbying firm but will not disclose what…

THE FORMER chief strategist for Fine Gael has begun working for a public relations and lobbying firm but will not disclose what clients he has acted for to date.

Frank Flannery was a long-time adviser to Fine Gael, and a plan for rebuilding the party which he drafted in 2002 is credited by many with playing a key role in the party’s current strength in the Oireachtas. He was Fine Gael’s deputy director of elections in last year’s presidential contest.

Mr Flannery confirmed yesterday that he had been doing work for PR firm Insight Consultants, but would not say what clients he had acted for. He also refused to say whether he had lobbied any politicians or Government departments on behalf of clients. “I’m not going to give you any information,” he said, adding he was no longer a Government adviser, but did do voluntary work for Fine Gael.

The programme for government includes a commitment to introduce a statutory register of lobbyists, but detailed proposals have yet to be advanced.


The principal executives in Insight Consultants are Michael Parker and Michael Keane.

Mr Parker is a former general secretary of the Progressive Democrats, while Mr Keane is a former editor of the Sunday Press.

The list of clients on the firm’s website includes private medical care groups, property groups, semi-State companies and telecommunications companies. The website says the services it offers includes “political lobbying”.

“We are all affected by decisions taken by national Government, local authorities, Government agencies and regulators. So understanding how these decisions are arrived at, knowing the processes and the decision-makers involved has become increasingly important,” the website states.

“Insight Consultants can help your company or organisation to shape these decisions, orchestrating the debate so our point of view is pre-eminent,” it adds.

Meanwhile, former Labour Party parliamentary director and press officer Tony Heffernan, who has worked closely with Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore and Ministers Ruairí Quinn and Pat Rabbitte, is now a part-time worker with DHR Communications.

Mr Heffernan said he retired in April 2011 and began to work part time with DHR last autumn. He said he tends to work on public affairs but the firm’s clients were in the not-for-profit sector.

He said he sometimes contacted ministerial advisers but it was usually to get information rather than to try to “persuade them to take a particular course”.

The firm’s clients include Irish Aid, the Samaritans, the Digital Hub Development Agency and the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland.

Colm Keena

Colm Keena

Colm Keena is an Irish Times journalist. He was previously legal-affairs correspondent and public-affairs correspondent