Five remanded over bomb materials find

Five men were charged with unlawful possession of explosives at the Special Criminal Court this morning following the discovery…

Five men were charged with unlawful possession of explosives at the Special Criminal Court this morning following the discovery of a pipe-bomb factory in West Dublin.

Jonathan Keogh of Sean McDermott Street, Dublin 1; Terry McConnell, of Tullymore Gardens, Andersonstown, Belfast; Cormac Fitzpatrick from Monaghan; Gareth Byrne from Kimmage in Dublin and Gareth Piggott from Fairview in Dublin, all in their 20s, were charged with unlawful possession of explosive substances under the Offences Against the state Act.

Three of the men, Mr Keogh, Mr Byrne and Mr Piggott, were also charged with membership of an illegal organisation, the Irish National Liberation Army.

The men were all remanded to appear again at the Special Criminal court next Thursday.


The arrests were made on Tuesday morning in the Park West development in Dublin 10 and followed an intelligence-led operation by the Special Detective Unit (SDU), which specialises in investigating subversive groups.

Fiona Gartland

Fiona Gartland

Fiona Gartland is a crime writer and former Irish Times journalist