Fishermen block ports in Cork, Kerry

Fishermen in Kerry and West Cork are blocking ports along the southern coast in protest at plans to implement an open fishing…

Fishermen in Kerry and West Cork are blocking ports along the southern coast in protest at plans to implement an open fishing policy which, if introduced, will end Irish fishermen's exclusive access to the zone known as the Irish Box.

The blockades are designed to prevent foreign trawlers from entering or exiting the ports over the weekend.

The protest comes on the heels of proposals by the European Council of Ministers to open up the Irish Box to other fleets.

Spanish trawlermen have argued that the principal of equality between member states should extend to fishing rights.


The Minister for the Marine, Mr Ahern, has promised to defend the Irish Box when he meets the EU Fisheries Commissioner, Mr Franz Fischler, on Monday.

Conor Pope

Conor Pope

Conor Pope is Consumer Affairs Correspondent, Pricewatch Editor