Fine Gael may profit from PD demise

COUNTY COUNCIL PROFILE: SOUTH DUBLIN: LABOUR HOLDS the reins of power and the mayoralty

COUNTY COUNCIL PROFILE: SOUTH DUBLIN:LABOUR HOLDS the reins of power and the mayoralty. However, unlike its neighbours in the City and Fingal, South Dublin has a fairly even split of parties across each of its five wards, with no party holding more than two seats in any ward.

Fianna Fáil suffered less in South Dublin than in other councils last time out, dropping just two seats to six, but the party’s luck may be about to run out. A strong anti-Government protest vote is expected in a constituency that has suffered much through job losses.

The PD defections of Cáit Keane and Tony Delaney and of Independent Derek Keating to Fine Gael doubled the party’s numbers since the last elections. The traditional PD vote in the area, which has always backed Mary Harney, may blame Fianna Fáil for the demise of the party and is likely to mean even greater gains for Fine Gael.

It is also likely to be difficult for the Greens to hold their two seats. Boundary changes have taken Terenure from the Terenure/Rathfarnham ward, a reduction from seven seats to just four, and sitting Green Tony McDermott is now running for the city council.


Tallaght South retains five seats but all other wards are gaining one each. Labour is doing well in Lucan, where TD Joanna Tuffy was elected in 2007, and could take the additional seat there.

Sinn Féin, still smarting from the loss of Seán Crowe’s Dáil seat in the last general election, has been working extremely hard to boost its vote. Mr Crowe is almost certain to retain a co-opted seat in Tallaght Central, but the party will also be looking to capitalise on anti-Government sentiment and take second seats in Clondalkin or Tallaght South, bringing their total numbers in the constituency to four.

Independents and the smaller left-wing parties are also working hard. Lucan, where the current lone Independent Gus O’Connell sits, has three Independent candidates out of 13 competing for its five seats.

One of the State’s four Socialist Party councillors Mick Murphy holds a seat in Tallaght Central, which he is likely to retain. Two of the 13 candidates People Before Profit Alliance is fielding for the local elections are also running in South Dublin.

Despite the South Dublin title, this is a largely west Dublin local authority based around Tallaght and including some of the most disadvantaged suburbs in the State where crime and antisocial behaviour are always major issues.

There are in the region of 20,000 unemployed in the county, with the end of the construction boom in particular causing major job losses. The recent Jacob Fruitfield closure with the loss of more than 220 jobs has also shaken the confidence of the constituency.

How the parties stand








Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly is Dublin Editor of The Irish Times