FF Galway West candidates disagree on hospital plans

Two of Fianna Fáil's three Galway West candidates have disagreed publicly on health plans.

Two of Fianna Fáil's three Galway West candidates have disagreed publicly on health plans.

Senator Margaret Cox, the party's candidate for a third seat in the five-seater, has criticised proposals by the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources, Mr Fahey, aimed at improving health services in Galway. Last week the Minister started his campaign with a €50 million plan to convert Merlin Park Hospital into an elective facility through public-private partnership.

The third candidate is Minister of State, Mr Eamon Ó Cuiv.

Merlin Park is Galway's second public hospital and is owned by the Western Health Board. Mr Fahey said he intended to seek Cabinet support for a venture which, he said, would be the first of its type in the State. A three-phase capital development is now underway at University College Hospital, Galway (UCHG) - the west's major acute facility - but upgrading of Merlin Park would provide extra capacity for acute beds, he said.


Senator Cox has said the Minister's plan has "potential" in terms of reducing waiting lists and overcrowding in UCHG. However, she said the idea did not take into account the condition of Merlin Park and the need for interim funding for refurbishment.

The Minister for Health, Mr Martin, had given a positive response on this issue when he visited Merlin Park 15 months ago, Senator Cox said.

She said the "mixed signals" being given out about the hospital's future were "not helpful", and she had written to Mr Fahey, asking him to support the demand for a commitment of €4 million towards Merlin Park for interim work.

The members of the Western Health Board knew that Merlin Park required immediate funding if it was not to fall apart, she added.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times