FF and PDs differ sharply after Ahern Adams meet

FIANNA Fail and the Progressive Democrats have differed sharply over a meeting yesterday between Mr Bertie Ahern and the Sinn…

FIANNA Fail and the Progressive Democrats have differed sharply over a meeting yesterday between Mr Bertie Ahern and the Sinn Fein president, Mr Gerry Adams.

Mr Adams said his meeting with the Fianna Fail leader had been a "very good" one and hinted that he would like to see Mr Ahern lead the next government.

But a spokesman for the PD leader, Ms Mary Harney, said she would not have met Mr Adams until after an IRA ceasefire.

Ms Harney also disagreed with Mr Ahern's call for a reopening of official dialogue between the Irish and British governments and Sinn Fein.


In a statement issued after the meeting, Mr Ahern said "present opportunities" made "a strong case for the two governments to reopen dialogue at official level with Sinn Fein, if they have not already done so". But Ms Harney's spokesman said a ceasefire should come first.

A Government spokesman declined comment on the meeting, except to say a channel of communication already existed to deal with matters relating to a ceasefire. This had not been used for some time but was still open, he added.

Speaking to reporters at a Dublin hotel close to where the discussions with Mr Ahern took place, Mr Adams praised the "pivotal role" Fianna Fail had played in the peace process, both in government and opposition. In contrast, he was "very mindful that the last government squandered the chance for peace".

Asked if he was saying he wanted to see Mr Ahern as Taoiseach, he continued: "I'm being cagey in what I say, and quite consciously so. But I am saying - because it's a matter of record - that it was a Fianna Fail government which helped initiate the peace process and a Fine Gael led government that squandered it."

The Progressive Democrats declined to comment on Mr Adams's implied support for an Ahern led coalition. But the spokesman said the PDs anticipated being in the next government and "are prepared to respond generously in the event of an IRA ceasefire".

Mr Ahern said yesterday's exchange, which was "part of the ongoing meetings that Fianna Fail have been holding in Opposition with different Northern parties and groups", had reviewed recent developments, including the spate of sectarian attacks.

"There was a frank discussion on the necessity of bringing violence to an early end. Issues of how best to ensure inclusive all party talks and the need for confidence building all round were discussed."

Frank McNally

Frank McNally

Frank McNally is an Irish Times journalist and chief writer of An Irish Diary