EU Commission welcomes US pledge to work via UN

EU: The European Commission has welcomed US President Bush's promise to work through the United Nations to secure Iraq's acceptance…

EU: The European Commission has welcomed US President Bush's promise to work through the United Nations to secure Iraq's acceptance of weapons inspectors. In a statement yesterday, the Commission suggested that Mr Bush's move would facilitate the formation of a joint approach to Iraq by the US and the EU.

"The United States' strong engagement with the United Nations will make it easier to find a common line between the United States and the European Union. Iraq must now take all steps as required by the U.N. Security Council resolutions," it said.

The Commission President, Mr Romano Prodi, said it was now important that all sides should work through the UN to secure Iraq's compliance.

"I hope that this multilateral choice will make the solution easier. There is now a passage through the UN and through the Security Council. We must make all the efforts that this has success so that we can avoid a war in Iraq," he said.


Most European governments have welcomed Mr Bush's speech, which they regard as an important victory for opponents of unilateral US action against Iraq.

Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Minister Mr Igor Ivanov warned Baghdad yesterday to cooperate with the UN or face the consequences. Mr Ivanov made the statement following a meeting with EU delegates at UN headquarters. "Security Council resolutions are binding. Should Iraq refuse to cooperate with the Security Council, the Iraqi leadership will have to assume responsibility for all possible consequences." He also said the US's willingness to work with the UN "opens the possibility for joint action in seeking a political settlement". - (Additional reporting Reuters)

Denis Staunton

Denis Staunton

Denis Staunton is China Correspondent of The Irish Times