Two board members quit Temple Bar Cultural Trust

Mannix Flynn and Jane Daly resign over audit findings

Mannix Flynn in Dublin's Temple Bar area. He said the company is “a wreck” and needs to be wound down without further delay. Photograph: Cyril Byrne

Artist and activist Mannix Flynn, one of Dublin City Council's representatives on the board of Temple Bar Cultural Trust (TBCT), has resigned, saying the company is "a wreck" and needs to be wound down without further delay.

Another member, Jane Daly, who is co-director of the Irish Theatre Institute, has also resigned from the board. Minutes of a board meeting on March 13th show that she expressed "huge disappointment" at the findings of a recent council audit of TBCT.

Mr Flynn told chairman Daithí Ó Ceallaigh he was resigning “forthwith” in light of the audit, which found serious failures of corporate governance in TBCT, and a 2011 report by Latitude consultants recommending that it should be phased out.

All board members received a letter from Mr Ó Ceallaigh last Friday complaining that a report in The Irish Times the previous day had revealed “details . . . of a highly confidential nature” about what had happened at a board meeting on Wednesday last.


The TBCT board was considering its response to the city council’s audit report and the announcement by chief executive Dermot McLaughlin that he had resigned from his secondment to Derry UK City of Culture and intended to return to his post on May 7th.

Mr Flynn said he had a “lack of faith in the process”.

Frank McDonald

Frank McDonald

Frank McDonald, a contributor to The Irish Times, is the newspaper's former environment editor