Towering St Patrick’s Day in store for global landmarks

New York’s One World Trade Center to sport green livery for occasion of our national day

New York’s One World Trade Centre will “go green” to celebrate St Patrick’s Day. Photographs: Getty Images

One World Trade Center in New York will “go green” for the first time to celebrate this St Patrick’s Day alongside 100 other famous landmarks around the world.

Tourism Ireland has announced the full list of famous attractions that are set to go green on March 17th.

A total of 29 new landmarks have joined the Global Greening initiative so far this year.

One World Trade Center, which is the tallest skyscraper in the western hemisphere, is located beside the Twin Towers memorial and is the main building of the rebuilt World Trade Center complex in lower Manhattan.


Other new attractions that will turn green for the first time this year include City Hall and Heron Tower in London, Plaça de Catalunya and the fountains on Gran Via in Barcelona, Matsue Castle in Japan and the The Diamond Bridge in South Korea.

Even a rhino statue in Nairobi National Park in Kenya will go green for the day and the famous red carpet in Cannes is set to change its hue.

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Minister for Tourism Shane Ross said the Global Greening initiative, which is in its eighth year, was a significant worldwide reminder of Ireland as a visitor destination.

“From the perspective of our Irish diaspora, it is gratifying that their contribution to the fortunes of other nations is recognised so visually around the globe,” he said.

Tourism Ireland chief executive Niall Gibbons said more than 70 million people around the world claimed links to Ireland.

“The eagerness of cities and countries everywhere to take part underlines the strength of the deep connection that people all over the world feel to Ireland,” he said.

“People across the world instantly identify St Patrick’s Day with the island of Ireland and that heightened profile allows us to put the Ireland holiday experience in the spotlight,” he said.

Mr Gibbons said the St Patrick's programme would span across Great Britain, mainland Europe, North America, Australia, China and India.

Rachel Flaherty

Rachel Flaherty

Rachel Flaherty is Digital Features Editor and journalist with The Irish Times