Sunshine here to stay with highs of 21 degrees in the West

Dublin forecast to be slightly cooler while rain expected to hold off until Saturday

Weather in Dublin on Monday will see highs of between 13 to 16 degrees. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw/The Irish Times

The good weather is set to continue into the week according to Met Éireann forecasts, with Monday set to remain dry and sunny with highest temperatures of 21 degrees Celsius in the West.

Rain is expected to hold off until Saturday, which will see showers and more changeable weather across the country.

The West of Ireland will get the best weather this week, with highest temperatures hitting 21 degrees, and 19 degrees on Tuesday.

Weather in Dublin on Monday will see highs of between 13 to 16 degrees.


Tuesday in the East will be dry, but with more cloud cover and some winds coming from the East across the capital.

Top temperatures in Dublin will be slightly below the rest of the country on Tuesday at around 12 to 14 degrees.

The weather forecast is predicting Wednesday will continue to be dry and sunny.

The East coast of Ireland will see clear skies and temperatures of 13 and 14 degrees. The rest of the country will be slightly warmer at afternoon temperatures of 16 to 19 degrees.

Thursday is projected to be more cloudy, with more of a mix of clouds and sunshine throughout the country.

Friday will follow that trend and continue to get cooler, with winds picking up and bringing more of a breeze to most regions.

By Saturday Met Éireann is anticipating temperatures to drop to the lower teens, and for most of the country to be hit by spells of small, light showers.

Met Éireann has ranked the sunburn or ‘UV’ index at moderate to high across all regions in the country for Monday, and are advising people to wear sunscreen if they are out in the sun, particularly during the afternoon.

The pollen index shows the grass pollination season has begun. Grass pollen is the most common allergen when it comes to inducing hay fever in Ireland.

The good weather is matched across most of Europe, with Spain and Portugal enjoying the hottest temperatures at around 27 to 29 degrees celsius on Monday.

Very small spots of extreme weather are forecast, with high levels of rainfall and some flooding in the South of Germany near the border of Austria.

Jack Power

Jack Power

Jack Power is acting Europe Correspondent of The Irish Times