End urged to ban on ex-inmates

The Taoiseach has welcomed a proposal to end the ban on all ex-prisoners obtaining State employment because of their criminal…

The Taoiseach has welcomed a proposal to end the ban on all ex-prisoners obtaining State employment because of their criminal record.

Mr Ahern said that while it would not be easy "just to move the bar on employment" he could see the difficulties for "someone who offends" being stopped from ever having a role in the public service.

The proposal is a key recommendation in the 125-page National Economic and Social Forum's report on the "Re-Integration of Prisoners" which the Taoiseach launched yesterday in Government Buildings.

Mr Ahern said the Forum "makes it clear that for certain categories of crime the State must continue to restrict entry to certain employments".


But he added: "My heart is with this recommendation and I certainly hope that over time we can make some progress here".

The 125-page report calls for increased use of non-custodial options such as community sanctions and services.

It calls for an individually tailored management plan for every prisoner and more integrated after-care for ex-prisoners.

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran is Parliamentary Correspondent of The Irish Times