Leaving Cert students: What's next now the exams have been cancelled?

The Irish Times would like to hear about your summer plans, and hopes for next year

The 2020 Leaving Certificate written examinations previously scheduled to start on July 29th  have been cancelled. File photograph: The Irish Times
The 2020 Leaving Certificate written examinations previously scheduled to start on July 29th have been cancelled. File photograph: The Irish Times

This year’s Leaving Cert exams have been cancelled in favour of students being awarded predictive grades or calculated grades based on their classwork. The decision was made after the Department of Education determined that holding the exams would pose “too great a risk to students, their families and those involved in running them”.

While reaction to the decision was mixed, the issue had finally been addressed and many students were happy to have some certainty at last about the exams. As the exam pressure is lifted, The Irish Times would like to hear from students about your plans. What are your next steps? What will you do for the summer, now that the exams have been cancelled? Were you planning holidays with friends after the exams ended? What hopes do you have for college in September?

You can share your views, experiences and concerns using this form.

Please attach a photograph with your submission.


A selection of responses may be published in The Irish Times.

Thank you.