How can I teach my students more about how the EU shapes their lives?

Ask Brian: New programmes and grants targeted at schools are now available

Like it or loathe it, the EU hugely influences our lives and so we need to become aware of how it can serve us. Photograph: iStock
Like it or loathe it, the EU hugely influences our lives and so we need to become aware of how it can serve us. Photograph: iStock

I’m the transition year co-ordinator in my school and am interested in offering my students a module on the European Union. Can you advise me if there is a programme available?

It is so important that young people have a solid understanding of the political systems they live in – including the EU. Our society really does need active citizens to contribute to shaping their world. Like it or loathe it, the EU hugely influences our lives and so we need to become aware of how it can serve us. Being equipped with knowledge will help our student population – and indeed ourselves – to derive the benefits.

The European Commission has a new funding opportunity for schools to teach about the EU in their classrooms. The Erasmus + / Jean Monnet programme includes grants of up to €30,000 over a three-year period.

The "Learning EU" initiative aims to support teachers to design and deliver content on democracy, EU history, how the EU works and cultural diversity among other topics. In tandem with the Jean Monnet teacher training action, schools – and networks of schools – interested in seeking solutions for teaching about the EU in their classrooms can avail of this funding support.


If this is of interest, the first thing you need to do as a TY co-ordinator is come up with a good idea for a project. Creativity is rewarded. For some interesting shared experiences from schools already teaching about the EU, have a read of the online booklet “Learning EU at School”.

Another useful source is the "Learning Corner EU" website where you can find a host of materials about the EU in all languages and for five- to 18-year-olds to learn, teach and connect.


Check out the terms and conditions for eligibility, which are found in the Erasmus + Programme Guide. This lengthy document can be hard to find your way around if you don't know what you are looking for, so just do a targeted search of "Jean Monnet Learning EU initiatives". The deadline for applications is Tuesday next, March 1st.

A new call will also be published in the coming autumn for 2023. A close look at the award criteria will help you. It covers the relevance of the project; quality of the project design and implementation; quality of the partnership and the co-operation arrangements; and impact, dissemination and sustainability.

If you have an idea and feel that you could present a project that matches the award criteria, you need to apply through the e-grant system. Begin the application process well in advance of the deadline. Your school will need what's known as a PIC number to complete the grant registration process. If you don't have one, the European Commission website ( shows you how to. If you are stuck, the Irish national agency can also provide advice on how to navigate the e-grant tool. ]