“Do you reckon anyone in Tokyo will ask for my Irish results?”

The exams are almost over. Next stop fashion college

Leaving Certificate student, Lauren Vickers:   “I think they’ve gone okay. I hope they’ve gone okay. They all have writing on them, which I guess is a good sign.” Photograph: Garry O’Neill
Leaving Certificate student, Lauren Vickers: “I think they’ve gone okay. I hope they’ve gone okay. They all have writing on them, which I guess is a good sign.” Photograph: Garry O’Neill

Well, that was a horrible biology paper. I’m just delighted everyone on Twitter thought so too. Twitter’s handy for that. Lash out a tweet and all of a sudden you’re not alone.

But that’s it, biology down and Irish down. Two exams left and a day off tomorrow. I’m tired, of course, but it has to be done, so no point complaining about it.

It’s so strange, in a way. I mean, the first day of the Leaving I worked myself up so much I felt sick all day. Now I’m in it, I wonder what the big deal was.

My mam keeps giving out to me for studying too hard. I actually have my college place sorted. Come September I’ll be northbound to the Bray Institute of Further Education to study fashion design. It’s exactly what I want to do, but I guess people can look down on you if you’re going to Bray as opposed to, say, UCD. That’s part of the reason I’m still working so hard. I want to prove them wrong.


I love fashion. One day in first year I started drawing different clothes designs and from then on I just knew this was it. I'm not big into the trends – I prefer to go my own way. After Bray I want to go to Japan. I just love the Japanese aesthetic. Fashion designer is the dream, but perhaps photography could be the back up. Something in fashion anyway, but I really think I can cut it with my designs.

Exams get in the way of my artistic endeavours, although I do have art history on Thursday. Ugh, can’t wait to get that over with. It’s nothing to do with the subject. I know all the information – I’m just dreading the pain running through my hand after writing three essays in 2½ hours. It’s inhuman.

Once that’s over, I’ll be able to get back to it. I paint, I do collage work, I’ve been known to do a bit of graffiti in my time – all strictly legal, of course. It depends what I’m in the mood for. I can be sitting on Facebook when I get an idea – you never know when it’ll happen.

The exams won’t actually finish for me until next Wednesday when I have economics. I’m not too bothered about that one. It will be strange, though, considering the hype, with everyone running around like headless chickens before the exams, and then all the postmortems afterwards. A few more days and it will be completely over.

I think they’ve gone okay. I hope they’ve gone okay. They all have writing on them, which I guess is a good sign. Do you reckon anyone in Tokyo will ask for my Irish results?

Lauren Vickers is a student at Coláiste Chill Mhantáin, Wicklow