College Choice: How do I appeal my exam result?

Exam candidates can take photos of their exam scripts for the first time

Some of those had hoped to study arts in UCD and had CAO points in the 340-380 range but missed out due to an unexpected jump of about 50 points.

* Click here to download a PDF of the CAO's 2018 Round One offers:

Tens of thousands of very happy Central Applications Office applicants had accepted their offer of a college place by close of business on Monday.

Many of them are now frantically trying to find somewhere to live close enough to their college to commute daily, or on campus where places are available. Colleges accommodations offices and their student unions are the appropriate places to contact for details on housing.

The Irish Times help desk received hundreds of requests for advice and support from those who had not received the offer they were expecting because points had increased on the course in question.


Some of those had hoped to study arts in UCD and had CAO points in the 340-380 range but missed out due to an unexpected jump of about 50 points. This was due to a sharp reduction in arts places at UCD linked to a restructuring of its offering.

At this stage, there is nothing many of these students can do to secure an arts place this year, unless points fall in the next round.

If they are seeking a Dublin-based arts course, they may consider re-applying to the CAO next year and ensuring that they also list alternate arts degree programmes offered by Maynooth, DCU and DIT.

If I didn’t get my course, what can I do ?

You are entitled to appeal the result of any of your exams. It’s also worth viewing your exam paper and making sure all your marks have been counted properly and the marking scheme applied correctly.

The viewing of scripts will take place in schools on August 31st and September 1st. If you want to try this, do not delay. All applications should be made through your school and the closing date for receipt of completed application forms in schools is Tuesday, August 21st.

The Leaving Certificate marking schemes will also be issued to schools at the end of August. External candidates should follow the instructions that accompany their provisional statement of results.

For the first time, applicants will be able to take a photo of their exam script using a mobile phone or digital camera. This follows a ruling by the European Court of Justice that scripts are considered personal data.

You can also seeking a copy of the script, though it can take up to 90 days before you may have it in your hands. By the time you receive a copy of the script, the opportunity to appeal the result will have passed.

As in previous years, candidates must attend the viewing session themselves, accompanied by a person of their choice.

How do I appeal my result?

You should use the online appeal application service ( This service has been available from midday Monday until 5pm on Monday, September 3rd.

Access to the service is via your exam number and the previously-issued PIN code. At the end of the transaction you will get an appeal confirmation form showing the subjects you have opted to appeal.

The appeal application is complete only if the form is returned to the school; you have until September 3rd to do so. Results of appeals will be issued in mid-October.