Ask Brian: Can my son pick up tech drawing for the Leaving Cert?

He is in first year but couldn’t choose tech drawing as the class was full

Photograph: Thinkstock

PROBLEM: My son is in first year and did taster subjects. His original choices were metalwork, woodwork and French. After the tasters he wanted to change to tech drawing and drop metalwork, but he didn't get his choice as there were too many students ahead of him who had picked tech drawing as their first choice originally. My question is: can you pick up tech drawing for the Leaving Cert or is it a bridge too far?

ADVICE: It is deeply unfair that in many second-level schools, students' subject choices are often shaped not by their own aptitudes and interests, but by the places available in particular classes. In tech drawing and metalwork, a maximum of 24 students are permitted under health and safety legislation, so presumably 24 students in your son's year have already chosen tech drawing.

You should immediately write to the school principal, in his or her capacity as secretary to the board of management (this ensures that it will be presented at the next board meeting under correspondence), saying your son wishes to study tech drawing for his Junior Cert in 2018, and you wish the school to place his name at the top of any waiting list for places that become available. Indicate in your letter that you wish to ensure that the fact that the school cannot facilitate your son in studying tech drawing for his Junior Cert will not be used as a barrier to his studying it for the Leaving Cert.

If no place becomes available before September 2016, and your son ends up doing metalwork, there are small elements within that curriculum that relate to drawing, so he should study them thoroughly to make the case to his teachers that he has an aptitude in this area. If the subject was an academic one, I would suggest getting the relevant textbook to study it with the support of a grind over the next two years. The CAD requirements of tech drawing and hands-on nature of the subject makes this very difficult, but you could still consider this option.


When your son comes to make his subject choices for fifth year, towards the end of third or transition year, he will probably have taken a series of aptitude tests. If his score in spatial reasoning is high, indicating an aptitude for architecture, surveying and so on, he could choose to study design and communication graphics for his Leaving Cert.

This would not be easy without the foundation of tech drawing at Junior Cert, but if he is enthusiastic and works at the subject over the two years, he should be able to catch up quickly. The most important thing is to ensure your son’s school gives him an equal right to choose design and communication graphics for the Leaving Cert.

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Brian Mooney

Brian Mooney

Brian Mooney is a guidance counsellor and education columnist. He contributes education articles to The Irish Times