50 days: essential web resources to get you through the exams

Essential Web Resources

alison.com – free maths video lessons online

clevercourses.ie – online revision courses for a fee. There's a sale on at the moment with some courses going for half price.

clevernotes.ie – free Leaving Cert notes


homeconomicsnotes.com – Leaving and Junior Cert home economics notes run by Cork based teacher Elma Kent (Pobailscoil Na Trionoide, Youghal).

irishstudysite.com – free Irish resource site run by St Columba's Irish teachers.

http://lcgeography.preswex.ie – Presentation Wexford's geography teacher Val Redmond's site for geography students.

leavingcertenglish.net – English for Junior and Leaving Cert run by English teacher Evelyn O'Connor.

mathsireland.com – Leaving and Junior Cert maths resources. The founder Peter Lee requests that users donate €25 to one of two chosen charities.

mocks.ie – 300 hours of maths videos, revision notes, online grinds, study tips, exam feedback service and much more. Many resources are free.

skoool.ie – free Leaving and Junior Cert notes and resources.

thephysicsteacher.ie – free resources for Junior Cert science as well as Leaving Cert biology, physics and applied maths.

mentalhealthireland.ie and spunout.ie have useful tips about the important stuff like how to combat stress and what to do if it's all becoming too much.