1) Cleaning your room or organising your socks drawer holds an appeal like never before. Well, you know what they say, orderly surroundings, orderly mind? Or something?
2) You are in the process of colour coding your notes. Organisation is IMPORTANT.
3) You may not have done any actual revision but your study timetable is a thing of beauty.

4) You put such effort into the timetable, in fact, that you really deserve to watch a bit of telly. Just one episode of Home and Away, oh and a couple of minutes of Corrie, and there's that movie you haven't seen yet...
5) You sit down to study and find yourself writing up a thorough study plan for the day. Well how else are you going to know where to start?
6) Your Dad needs someone to help clean out the gutter? Mum wants someone to walk the dog? You're there! After that you'll definitely get down to some maths.
7) Your notes are neon as a result of diligent use of the highlighter pen.
8) You need to go over your highlighted notes with a different colour to highlight the really important bits.
9) You've turned off your phone and disconnected the internet. But all you can think about is what you're missing.
10) After a long hard day of cleaning and organising, you bring your notes downstairs and install yourself on the couch. You can study while the telly is on right?