Drop of 42 pc in road deaths since October

The number of road deaths in the State has fallen by almost half, since the introduction of the penalty points system last October…

The number of road deaths in the State has fallen by almost half, since the introduction of the penalty points system last October.

In the three months since the introduction of the system, deaths have dropped from 112 to 65 - a decrease of 42 per cent on the same period a year ago.

According to the latest figures from the National Safety Council, there were 16 fewer deaths on Irish roads in January. This compares with 35 deaths in the same period last year.

The scheme began on October 31st and has led to a dramatic fall in the number of people killed on the roads. In November 2002 the number people killed on the roads was 24, 16 fewer than the previous year. In December 22 died, a fall of 15 on the pervious year.


The National Safety Council said the penalty points system was making a clear difference to driver behaviour and that drivers were reducing their speed.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times