Declaration will not change Treaty, says Ó Caoláin

The Government's securing of a European Union commitment on neutrality today will not change the Treaty of Nice and will not …

The Government's securing of a European Union commitment on neutrality today will not change the Treaty of Nice and will not be enough to quell opposition to the running of a second referendum on the Treaty, according to Sinn Féin TD Mr Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin.

Mr Ó Caoláin also challenged the Government to adopt the Constitutional amendment on neutrality which he had put before the Dáil in Bill form in April of last year.

"The proposed declaration on neutrality has been touted around Europe by the Taoiseach and the Minister for Foreign Affairs for the past week while it was hidden from the elected representatives of the Irish people," he said.

"It is disgraceful that this text was shown only to the Fine Gael and Labour leaders and that all TDs were not afforded even the courtesy of a copy."


Mr Ó Caoláin said that today’s declaration will not alter one syllable of the Treaty of Nice. "The Government will put before the electorate exactly the same Treaty they rejected last year. Not only has the government not respected the decision of the people - they have actively defied it by encouraging all other member states to ratify Nice on the basis that the Irish people will 'get it right' the second time around," he said.

Pádraig Collins

Pádraig Collins

Pádraig Collins a contributor to The Irish Times based in Sydney