Thousands call for return of Edmund Honohan to debt cases

Master of the High Court has been a vocal critic of various banks and funds in his court

Master of the High Court Edmund Honohan. Mr Honohan had been dealing with up to 200 cases a week involving claims over debts. Photograph: Gareth Chaney/Collins

Almost 3,500 people have signed a petition calling for the Master of the High Court, Edmund Honohan, to be returned to debt cases.

Mr Honohan was dealing with up to 200 cases a week involving claims over debts, but following an intervention last month by Mr Justice Peter Kelly, the President of the High Court, all debt cases will now be directly assigned to a High Court judge.

Mr Honohan has been a consistent critic of banks and funds in their efforts to secure judgments against debtors. He last year said he had drawn up a Bill to assist those facing repossession.

About 50 people took part in a demonstration outside the High Court on Monday. Liam Ó Maonlaí of the Hothouse Flowers played music while film director Terry McMahon spoke.


A petition was set up on by a group called “Irish People for Edmund Honohan”, which did not return a request for comment.

In the preamble for the petition, the group called for the reversal of the decision to remove Mr Honohan from debt cases.

‘Acts stoically’

“We believe that Edmund Honohan acts stoically, in the interests of the Irish people, justice and good law. His proposed ‘Housing and Fair Mortgage Bill’ gives merit to our argument, and to his dedication and acumen, in all related regards.

“With a tsunami of homelessness in the pipeline, and no governmental solutions put forward, the proposed removal of Edmund Honohan from debt cases would be disrespectful to due process for the better good.”

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson is an Irish Times reporter