Public perception of Garda continues to improve

Significant decrease in victim satisfaction

Public perceptions of the Garda are continuing to improve according to the latest survey by the force, with over 80 per cent saying they are satisfied with its performance.

Public perceptions of the Garda are continuing to improve according to the latest survey by the force, with over 80 per cent saying they are satisfied with its performance.

However there was a significant decrease in the satisfaction of victims of crime with the garda response. Satisfaction among victims of crime fell 16 points to 52 per cent since the last survey, although the garda warned victimisation figures should be treated with caution due to the small sample size.

The Garda commissions a polling company to carry out four “Public Attitude Surveys” a year. According to polling data from the third quarter of 2019, 96 per cent of respondents agreed gardaí would treat them with respect if they had to contact them.

Trust in the Garda improved slightly, with 47 per cent reporting “high trust” (up three per cent) and 45 per cent reporting “medium trust” (no change).


Eighteen per cent of people perceived crime in their local area to be serious or very serious. When asked about national crime, 79 per cent said it was serious or very serious.

In most other areas perceptions of the Garda improved slightly or remained stable when compared to previous surveys.

Some 77 percent agreed they can rely on the Garda to be there when needed, an increase of five per cent on the quarter two results and the highest figure in over a year.

"These very welcome results demonstrate the quality of work being done by Garda personnel to keep people safe. It also shows that the public are seeing the benefits of changes being made to the organisation. We do though have further improvements to make in a number of areas including victim support," Deputy Commissioner for Policing and Security John Twomey said.

Conor Gallagher

Conor Gallagher

Conor Gallagher is Crime and Security Correspondent of The Irish Times