Man (23) alleges he was stabbed by 9-year-old when families clashed

Incident happened in Inchicore, Dublin and involved two rival families

Gardaí said the scene, at Inchicore, Dublin, was chaotic, with a large number of people present at the time and a range of violent assault allegations made after the disturbance. File photograph: Getty Images

A man has alleged to gardaí that he was stabbed by a 9-year-old boy in a serious melee in Dublin last week.

The incident, which involved two rival family-based groups, took place last Friday evening in Inchicore, south Dublin.

A 23-year-old man and 13-year-old boy both sustained stab wounds at a house on Myra Close in the Dublin 8 suburb.

And the older victim has alleged his wounds were inflicted by a 9-year-old.


Gardaí investigating the incident believe the young boy was at the scene at the time. However, the identity of the person who stabbed the man is still the subject of investigation.

Garda sources stressed while an allegation had been made that the boy stabbed the man, that fact had not been proven.

The same sources said the scene was chaotic, with a large number of people present at the time and a range of violent assault allegations made after the disturbance.

It appears a young member of one of the families was challenged on the street by a member of the other family.

That escalated sharply when one of the family-based groups barged their way into the home of the other family.

Once inside the property, the disturbance became physical, with at least one knife and a hammer being used.

Gardaí believe the two groupings have been at odds for some time as part of a localised low-level feud.


In response to queries Garda Headquarters, Phoenix Park, Dublin, declined to say if one of those involved was aged 9 years.

"Gardaí at Kilmainham are investigating an incident which occurred at Myra Close, Inchicore, Dublin 8, at approximately 6.15pm on Friday," the Garda said.

“A number of people entered a house. Two people received stab wounds. Their injuries are not believed to be non-life threatening.

“A number of people have been questioned in relation to this investigation. Enquiries are ongoing.”

The house where the incident occurred was sealed off for examination and now a major criminal investigation is underway.

The people who were arrested have since been released. The 9-year-old boy was not among three people, two women and a teenage boy, arrested.

In the Republic, the criminal age of responsibility is 12 years, meaning the boy at the centre of the stabbing allegation could not be prosecuted.

Gardaí have encountered cases in which children are corrupted by adults, who force or encourage them to carry out crimes in the knowledge they are too young to be prosecuted even if caught.

There have been cases of children being used to hide or transport items such as illicit drugs or guns.

And in some cases children have been induced by adults to commit acts of violence on their behalf.

Such a scenario is one line of investigation in the Inchicore case. However, Garda sources stressed it would take some time before the veracity of allegations made could be tested.

The 23-year-old man and 13-year-old boy who were injured were hospitalised but were expected to make a full recovery.

Conor Lally

Conor Lally

Conor Lally is Security and Crime Editor of The Irish Times