Gardaí search for Galway hit and run driver

Pensioner John White was knocked off his bicycle as he cycled on the outskirts of Loughrea town on Wednesday

Mr John White from Loughrea, Co Galway was the victim of a fatal traffic collision, on the Gort Road in Loughrea, Co Galway.

Gardaí in Co Galway have intensified their efforts to trace the driver of a car involved in a fatal hit-and-run collision.

Pensioner John White was knocked off his bicycle as he cycled on the outskirts of Loughrea town at about 8.40pm on Wednesday. He was rushed to University College Hospital in Galway, but pronounced dead in the early hours of yesterday morning.

A blue BMW with a partial registration which is thought to have been involved in the fatal collision left the scene and travelled south in the direction of Gort.

Collision marks

Garda í believe the bonnet of the car will bear the marks of a collision while it is also believed to have a damaged rear light.


Supt Enda Walshe said he was making two appeals to the public as part of the investigation into the tragedy.

“I would like to appeal firstly for witnesses to the collision. It happened at about 8.40pm, and it was still bright, just as you leave Loughrea on the Gort Road.

“The second appeal is if there is any sighting of the car involved call the incident room at Loughrea station on 091-842872,” Supt Walshe said.

Detectives were yesterday examining CCTV footage from Loughrea and conducting door-to-door enquiries in the immediate area of the collision. The N66 Loughrea to Gort road was reopened yesterday after forensic collision investigators carried out a technical examination of the scene.

Mr White (66), lived alone at St Laurence's Field in Loughrea and was well-known in the area.

Appeal to driver

Loughrea councillor Michael Maher appealed to the driver of the car involved in the collision to contact gardaí without delay.

“People in Loughrea are in shock and everybody is hoping that, whatever tragic incident happened on the night, the person involved would hand themselves in to Loughrea Garda station and please God put an end to it for everybody and for the family,” Mr Maher added.