Gardaí arrest suspect in Dublin bicycle shooting

Suspect accidentally shot himself in the foot and lower leg before shooting his target

Gardaí investigating a shooting in Dublin in which the victim and suspected gunman were both wounded have arrested a man in connection with the attack.

The 31-year-old who was arrested had accidentally shot himself in the foot and lower leg earlier this week before shooting his target.

He was being kept under surveillance in Dublin’s Mater hospital before gardaí were given the all-clear by medical staff to interview him. He was then arrested and he will now be questioned under caution.

The victim, Charlie O’Neill (52), Balcurris Ave, Ballymun, north Dublin, is in Beaumont hospital. While he was wounded in the stomach with a shotgun blast, his life is not in danger.


Gardaí believe the suspect, who is from Finglas in north Dublin, knew Mr O’Neill, had studied his regular movements and was waiting to ambush him on Monday morning.

Detectives believe the shooting may be linked to a personal row in which Mr O’Neill, a convicted criminal, was embroiled and that the gunman may have carried out the attack on behalf of a third party.

Mr O’Neill was shot at 8.20am at the entrance to the laneway between Glasnevin Avenue and Hillcrest Park. He managed to crawl a short distance into the front garden of a nearby house looking for help.

Both men were on push bikes and the shotgun used in the attack was found at the scene.

The suspect is being detained at Ballymun Garda station under the provisions of Section 30 Offences Against the State Act 1939.

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson is an Irish Times reporter