Garda unit set up in Social Protection

Initial force of 20 serving gardaí seconded to crack down on social welfare fraud

Team of 20 gardaí i is to be set up on a pilot basis within the department.

A new Garda unit is to be established in the Department of Social Protection as part of moves to crack down on welfare fraud.

In addition almost one million biometric public service cards have been issued with photographic identification designed to airport security standards to those in receipt of State services including social welfare payments, according to Minister for Social Protection Joan Burton.

The team of 20 gardaí is to be set up on a pilot basis within the department to track fraudulent claims and claims from people who subsequently leave the country and continue to claim allowances.

Ms Burton told TDs and Senators at an Oireachtas committee yesterday the moves were aimed at protecting the social welfare budget and ensuring that resources were spent on genuine cases.


The secondment of 20 gardaí to the Department to assist its Special Investigation Unit with fraud investigation work was agreed by Ms Burton, Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald and by the acting Garda Commissioner, Nóirín O'Sullivan.

It has also received the co-operation of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform.

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist