File for DPP after man makes death threat against Taoiseach

Comment made on Facebook page about hospital in Castlebar

A screengrab of the Facebook page where the comment was made.

Edwin McGreal

A file is to be sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions to determine if a Mayo man should face charges in connection with a death threat made against the Taoiseach on a social media website.

A complaint was made to gardaí in Castlebar by Enda Kenny's parliamentary secretary Ger Deere last week over the comment made on a Facebook page three weeks ago.

The page is a campaign called 'Save the Sacred Heart Hospital Castlebar' and thecomment posted on May 18th said: "If they close this hospital il (sic) shoot Enda Kenny JFK assassination style".


A Castlebar man was questioned in connection with the comment and gardaí confirmed a file was due to be sent to the DPP.

The future of the Sacred Heart Hospital has been a contentious political issue in the Taoiseach’s home town in recent months.

The social media campaign was launched last month.

Mr Kenny announced the provision of €11 million in funding last week which he said would secure the future of the care facility in the town.

Mr Deere, a member of Castlebar Town Council, said: "The comment was a very serious one and we felt it should be passed onto the gardaí. It crossed the line," he said.

Conor Smyth, the administrator of the Save the Sacred Heart Hospital Castlebar Facebook page, said he had no comment to make as the matter was now with the gardaí.