Drogheda attacker threatens to kill woman during break-in

Woman (40) punched in face after answering door

General view of Cherrybrook Drive, Drogheda, Co Louth. Photograph: Google Streetview

Details have emerged of an attack on a woman who was tied up and threatened by an intruder in her Co Louth home.

The woman (40), who lives on her own, answered the front door and was immediately punched in the face by a man who went on to tie her up and threaten to kill her.

Gardaí say that after punching her, the man walked straight into the house put his hand over her mouth and dragged her into the sitting room.

He demanded money from her and then said he wanted her ATM card and the number for it.


The woman struggled against him and told him she would keep fighting against him. He threatened to kill her.

She handed over her bank card and number and was then forced into a bedroom where her hands were tied behind her back while he ransacked the house looking for money.

The man threatened her again before he left and told her to stay where she was before he locked doors and left. Sources said that he threatened to “finish her off”, if she moved.

She ran out the back door and jumped the wall into her neighbour’s back garden. She banged on their patio doors and they immediately went to her aid and rang gardaí and ambulance.

She was treated for cuts and minor injuries by paramedics and gardaí took a full statement from her.

The woman has not returned to the house in the Cherrybrook Drive, since the attack last Friday and it is understood to be staying with friends.

A Garda spokesman said they were appealing for any witnesses to the incident at 7.30pm on Friday to contact them.

“For any woman to answer a door and have that happen must be horrific,” the spokesman said.

Former detective garda Richie Culhane, now a Drogheda based councillor, said: "This was an extremely vicious attack and it is very worrying that there is someone out there that could carry out a bare-faced attack and assault someone in their own home in such a vicious way.

“It is very important that this person is located and this case is investigated thoroughly so someone with such a violent and vicious nature is apprehended and brought before the courts. I am appealing for anyone with info to come forward to gardai or a member of the clergy or a public representative with the identity of the culprit,” Mr Culhane added.

The Mayor of Drogheda Kevin Callan said, "this is a very frightening incident and people should contact the gardai with any information that may lead to an arrest. I would also ask for people to exercise caution and report and suspicious activity to the gardaí."