Man fined €60 at Trim District Court for preventing water meter installation

Tony Rochford had blocked the road with two vehicles

Workers install water meters outside houses in Fortlawn Estate near Blanchardstown, west Dublin, earlier this year. Picture Colin Keegan/ Collins Dublin. A water meter being installed earlier this year. Picture Colin Keegan/Collins Dublin

A man arrested for preventing the installation of water meters has been fined €60 at Trim District Court. Tony Rochford (46), Steeple Manor, Trim, pleaded guilty to obstructing the road at Steeple Manor, Trim on May 27th last.

Garda Supt Mary Gormley told the court that Rochford had blocked the road with two vehicles and gardaí had to take action to allow vehicles to enter the estate.

In an affidavit, Mr Rochford said he had taken the action out of frustration at the lack of action by the authorities to tackle water contamination problems which he claimed affected thousands of Irish homes. He blamed the problem on a lack of regulation in the plumbing sector.

He said he had raised the issue since 2012 without success with the Minister for the Environment Phil Hogan, Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore and State, local and private bodies.


Judge William Early fined Mr Rochford €60 for obstructing the road and said he would take a public order charge arising from the same incident into account. He gave him two months to pay the fine or face two days in jail.