Man denies allegations he flew drone over or trespassed on quarry

Quarry owners seek injunction preventing man from accessing lands

The quarry owners seek an order restraining the defendant flying or controlling a drone in the airspace above the plaintiffs lands. File photograph: Horacio Villalobos/Corbis via Getty
The quarry owners seek an order restraining the defendant flying or controlling a drone in the airspace above the plaintiffs lands. File photograph: Horacio Villalobos/Corbis via Getty

A man has denied claims that he flew a drone over, or trespassed on, a quarry in Co Meath.

Last week, lawyers for Keegan Quarries Ltd and its managing director John Keegan claimed that Kieran Cummins flown his drone over, and trespassed on, the quarry at Trammon, Rathmolyon.

Mr Cummins, a qualified solicitor of Trammon, Rathmolyon lives 500 metres from the quarry.

Arising out of the defendant’s alleged actions, the plaintiffs seek injunctions restraining Mr Cummins from entering or interfering with their lands at Rathmolyon.


Represented by Martin Hayden SC and Eoin O’Shea BL, the plaintiffs also seek an order restraining the defendant flying or controlling a drone in the airspace above the plaintiffs lands.

When the action came before Ms Justice Leonie Reynolds on Tuesday, she was told by Cathal Lenaghan BL, for Mr Cummins, who is also a well-known musician, that his client denies the plaintiffs' claims regarding his drone or that he has trespassed at the quarry.

Counsel said his client was prepared to give undertakings not to trespass on, or fly his drone over, the lands in question pending the outcome of the injunction application.

In their action, the plaintiffs claim Mr Cummins regularly observes, photographs and videos the Trammon quarry, where 120 people are employed.

It is alleged he had no entitlement to be on the plaintiffs’ property and his alleged presence there raised health and safety concerns.

The court has heard, in the past decade, Mr Cummins has either personally, or through Eco Advocacy, of which he is an officer, brought planning and environmental actions against entities connected to Mr Keegan.

The case is believed to be one of the first brought before the Irish courts since new EU regulations concerning the operation of drones were introduced at the start of the year.

The judge, who put a timetable in place for the exchange of documents, adjourned the case to next month.