FAI sued by US judge over purchase of Limerick FC

FAI wants High Court to order US judge John McCarthy III to provide security for costs of his action

John Delaney: one of the individuals being sued
John Delaney: one of the individuals being sued

The Football Association of Ireland wants the High Court to order US judge John McCarthy III, a former owner and chairman of Limerick FC, to provide security for the costs of his action over losses allegedly suffered on his investment

Mr McCarthy, a municipal judge in New Jersey, is suing the FAI and a number of individuals, including FAI chief executive John Delaney, alleging he lost about €280,000 as a result of his purchase of Limerick Thirty Seven FC Ltd seven years ago.

Mr McCarthy, who resigned as a director of the club in November 2009, has sued for damages over alleged breach of contract.

As well as the FAI and Mr Delaney, his proceedings are against FAI commercial director Rory Smyth; former internal compliance officer at the FAI Pádraig Smith; former FAI head of league marketing and promotion Noel Mooney; the current owner of Limerick FC Patrick O’Sullivan, and Munster Football Club Ltd, which operates Limerick FC.


The defendants deny the claims.

Mr Justice Michael White reserved his decision.

Mr Justice White also ruled that proceedings by Mr McCarthy against Limerick District Council – the body that runs amateur soccer in Limerick – should be dismissed after finding they displayed no cause of action against that body.