Man charged with dangerous driving causing death of boy (4) remanded on bail

Two-month adjournment for book of evidence in Finbarr O’Rourke case

Finbarr O’Rourke has been accused of dangerous driving causing the death of Ciarán Treacy at Ballymorris, Portlaoise, on April 17th this year.

A man charged with dangerous driving causing the death of a four-year-old boy has been remanded on bail until February 12th.

Portlaoise District Court heard that a book of evidence is not yet ready in the case of Finbarr O’Rourke, 99 Laurel Drive, Portlaoise.

Inspector Aidan Farrelly sought a two-month adjournment for completion of the book of evidence.

Mr O’Rourke is accused of dangerous driving causing the death of Ciarán Treacy at Ballymorris, Portlaoise, on April 17th this year.


The 39-year-old has been on bail since November 13th, when he was first charged and brought before Portlaoise District Court.

The Director of Public Prosecutions has directed trial by judge and jury in the case.

Applying for legal aid, solicitor David Osborne said the accused man was made redundant some time ago and opened a shop but it is not making any money and he has a number of debts. He is receiving a community welfare allowance and has applied for unemployment assistance.

Judge Catherine Staines refused legal aid in the district court but said she would reconsider the application if Mr O’Rourke was sent forward for trial to the circuit court. The judge adjourned the case for service of a book of evidence.

Ciarán Treacy died when the car in which he was a passenger, with his mother Gillian and seven-year-old brother Seán, was in a head-on collision with another car on the Portarlington to Portlaoise Road.