Garda and businessman listed for trial on corruption charges

Detective alleged to have been paid for providing information about CAB inquiry into car dealership

A detective garda and a businessman are to appear in court next year charged with corruption offences. Photograph: Dave Meehan

A detective garda and a businessman are to appear in court next year charged with corruption offences.

The case involves allegations that Det Garda David Bourke received a payment or gift from Stephen O’Sullivan in return for passing him information about a Criminal Assets Bureau inquiry into a car sales business.

Det Bourke (50), with an address in Co Limerick, is accused of two charges relating to “corruptly obtaining” a payment or gift from Mr O’Sullivan (39), a director of Bawn Motors on Ballysimon Road, Limerick.

Mr O’Sullivan, with an address at Farrehy, Broadford, Co Limerick, is charged with one count of corruptly providing or agreeing to provide Det Bourke a payment or advantage in return for confidential information regarding the investigation into his business.


The three charges under the Criminal Justice (Corruption Offences) Act 2018 are said to have occurred at a location in Bruree, Co Limerick.

Det Bourke and Mr O’Sullivan were arrested separately on December 22nd, 2018, by members of the Garda National Bureau of Criminal Investigation (GNBCI) as part of a major investigation into suspected corruption by members of the force in the southern region.

Both men have been remanded on bail with various conditions attached.

The matter has been listed for trial before a judge and jury on February 14th.