Woman (29) who claimed knee injured at Dublin Airport filmed running for a smoke

Jessica Quinn’s left leg had been struck by a stack of metal luggage trolleys

Judge Quinn said that he accepted there had been an impact of a trolley against her leg and although the contact had been slight he was satisfied the plaintiff had picked up a minor short term injury.

A 29-year-old childcare assistant who claimed her knee had been injured at Dublin Airport was minutes later videoed running across the concourse for a quick smoke outside before boarding a plane for France, a judge has heard.

Jessica Quinn, of Ellensborough Downs, Kiltipper, Tallaght, Dublin 24, told the Circuit Civil Court she had been at the oversize luggage check-in with 14 other members of her family at Terminal 1 when her left leg had been struck by a stack of metal luggage trolleys.

Ms Quinn, who said her knee had been forcefully struck by the crocodile of trolleys, told barrister Shane English, counsel for Dublin Airport Authority, that she had gone outside for a quick smoke before boarding the plane and was identifiable in CCTV footage following the incident running across the concourse to catch her flight.

She had earlier told Judge Cormac Quinn she had suffered severe pain at the point of contact and although the intense pain had eased after a few minutes she had to use her child's buggy for support as she hobbled to a seat.



Mr English, who appeared with David Martin of Gore and Grimes Solicitors, suggested to Ms Quinn that her entire description of the incident, until the court had seen CCTV footage, was simply not credible. He said she had not attended a doctor or any hospital while she was on holiday in the south of France and had not visited her local GP for seven days after her return to Ireland.

She told Mr English her knee had swollen after the incident and she had to use ice packs while on holiday. Judge Quinn said that having viewed the cctv footage he accepted there had been an impact of a trolley against her leg and although the contact had been slight he was satisfied the plaintiff had picked up a minor short term injury.

“Medical reports have indicated there was no bone injury and while she had exaggerated to a certain extent in her evidence she is seen, on the cctv footage, rubbing her knee immediately after the impact,” Judge Quinn said.

Ms Quinn had claimed damages of up to €60,000 including loss of earnings and medical expenses of more than €2,500 but was awarded only €3,500 damages and District Court costs by the court.

Judge Quinn, when told she had refused a settlement offer of €6,500 from the Dublin Airport Authority 12 months ago, restricted her claim for legal costs only up until November 26th last year.