Garda not guilty of harassing colleague by reason of insanity

Court told Donal Maguire (40) from Bundoran has a form of early onset dementia

Garda Donal Maguire (40), of Rock Road, Bundoran, Co Donegal, has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity to two counts of harassing a female colleague  at a location in Dublin on dates between February 18th and March 11th, 2012 and between August 1st, 2012 and February 4th, 2013. Photograph: Collins Courts.
Garda Donal Maguire (40), of Rock Road, Bundoran, Co Donegal, has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity to two counts of harassing a female colleague at a location in Dublin on dates between February 18th and March 11th, 2012 and between August 1st, 2012 and February 4th, 2013. Photograph: Collins Courts.

A garda who harassed a married female sergeant by sending her a Valentine’s Card, numerous emails and a friend request on Facebook has been found not guilty by reason of insanity.

Garda Donal Maguire (40), a married man with two children, had been warned by his superiors not to have any contact with the woman and was advised there would be consequences if the behaviour continued.

He sent the emails via the garda Pulse system leading to him having his access revoked. He continued to try and contact the woman , despite giving an undertaking to stop and was ultimately transferred to another station.

Dublin Circuit Criminal Court heard that the harassment impacted on the woman’s work and family life and caused her great stress. She felt physically sick, annoyed and concerned on receiving the communications from Garda Maguire. She was granted annual leave following the Facebook contact because her superiors believed she was not in “a fit position to do her work”.


Garda Maguire (40), of Bundoran, Co. Donegal, had pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity to two counts of harassing the woman at a location in Dublin on dates between February 18th and March 11th, 2012 and between August 1st, 2012 and February 4th, 2013

Two forensic psychiatrists told the trial that Garda Maguire was suffering from a mental disorder at the time and lacked the ability to form intent, as set out under the Criminal Law (Insanity) Act 2006.


The jury heard that Garda Maguire had been diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia, which at his age was considered early onset dementia. The symptoms include erotomania, a delusion in which a person believes that another person, typically of a higher social status, is in love with them.

The disorder also meant that Garda Maguire was increasingly inappropriate in his actions, had a loss of empathy, was unable to understand the impact of his behaviour, has a lack of judgment and an inability to inhibit his own actions as well as a lack of interest in his personal hygiene.

The jury returned its verdict following an hour of deliberations. Judge Elma Sheahan thanked the jurors for their concentration during what she was an "unusual" trial.

She said the court found that Garda Maguire was suffering from a mental disorder and committed him to the Central Mental Hospital. She ordered that the hospital provide the court with a report on June 27th so that “the appropriate steps can be taken”.

Gerardine Small BL, prosecuting, told the jury in opening the case that the fact Garda Maguire harassed the woman was not disputed but rather the jurors had to determine if he was suffering from a mental disorder at the time.

The court heard that both Gda Maguire’s mother and his wife noticed a change in his behaviour from 2010, shortly after the birth of his first child, when he started making bizarre statements and laughing inappropriately.

In his first referral to have it investigated, a psychiatrist noted that Garda Maguire had disorganised thinking and unusual speech.

Detective Superintendent Walter O’Sullivan outlined the facts of the harassment to the jury. He agreed with Ronan Kennedy BL, defending that when Garda Maguire was interviewed in June 2013, he said he was infatuated with the woman and this was not reciprocated.

He accepted that he had been warned to stop communicating with the sergeant but had continued contact despite this.