Bank hired private eye to track man with €10,700 debt

AIB served Civil Bill to credit card customer but it was returned marked ‘not called for’

File image - A bank hired a private detective to pinpoint the whereabouts of a Dublin man who owed them almost €11,000 on his credit card, a court heard on Tuesday. Photograph: Thinkstock.

A bank hired a private detective to pinpoint the whereabouts of a Dublin man who owed them almost €11,000 on his credit card, a court heard on Tuesday.

Judge Jacqueline Linnane was told that when Allied Irish Banks Plc served a Civil Bill on Graham Moyles by way of Registered Post at Bellgree Boulevard, Tyrellstown, Dublin, it had been returned marked "not called for."

A solicitor for the bank said the Civil Bill had been taken out against Mr Moyles in October 2012 for a sum of €10,702 advanced over the previous six years on foot of a credit card facility granted to him by the bank.

The Civil Bill had run out and the bank was asking the court to renew the court summons and grant it the right to serve the document on Mr Moyles by way of ordinary post.


The court heard that private investigator Conor Ryan, of Glen Collections Ltd, Ballymore Road, Glenamaddy, Co Galway, had been employed by the bank to "conduct inquiries."

He had visited Bellgree Boulevard and had spoken to a local resident, who had not wished to be identified, who confirmed that Mr Moyles still lived at the address.

Judge Linnane granted a renewal of the Civil Bill originally issued on October 13th, 2012 and made an order for substituted service of the summons by way of ordinary mail.